Monday, June 10, 2013

Finding Your Beauty: You're Beautiful!

Insecurity is something we all deal with. To me, being insecure means not accepting your beauty. One of the reasons this happens is because society has made us this way. We see things in magazines, and we strive to be like them. Everyone needs to know, male or female, that they are unique, special, and beautiful. Many people don't know this, but males suffer from disorders as well, such as bulimia, binge eating, anorexia, and more. Out of 3,000 people with anorexia and bulimia, 25 percent were males, and 40 percent had binge eating disorder. Now I know that this isn't related to my blog that much, but I felt like it needed to be said. Talking about beauty and fashion is in some sense related to this. So how can you help yourself feel as beautiful as you are? Acknowledge it! We all have flaws, no one is perfect, but there's ways you can get your confidence up! Give yourself a compliment every day, wear clothes you feel confident in, recognize your talents and good qualities, remember you're not alone (everyone struggles with finding their beauty at least once in their life), accept compliments, talk a little louder and stronger than you normally would, make a list of things that are blocking you from seeing your beauty (then write if they're logical), embrace your interests, see noticing your beauty as an achievement, not a single process. Finally, every day look at yourself in the mirror and say "I am confident. I am strong. I am beautiful." I hope this helped to everyone struggling with their appearance and confidence! 

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